
Papua New Guinea

4 Products available from Papua New Guinea

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About the region

Producing Region

Eastern Highlands, Western Highlands and Chimbu


April - September

Commercial coffee production started with the planting of the highly revered Jamaican Blue Mountain seeds brought over in the 1920s. At the time most of the coffee was derived from a handful of plantations, however now, most production is from small-holders with gardens ranging from a couple of trees to a few hundred trees.

The volcanic soil is rich as it is fertile and provides a great home for coffee cultivation. The climate is hot with high levels of rainfall while the topography is mountainous with peaks close to 4,000 metres  The cup is noted for its full body and cocoa-fruity aromas of mango and papaya.

Borer Worm Update – June 2107

There have recently been a number of news items on the broca or borer worm in PNG. Borer has been in PNG for some years; estimates are that 2% of the crop is affected. Higher grown coffees in the area where we purchase from our sister company are barely affected. If coffee is bought from or areas or adjacent to affected areas, it is very carefully inspected. To date, no coffee has been found with signs of borer.

The main area affected is an estimated 350 hectares in Jiwaka Province [between Mt Hagen and Goroka] and all coffee moving out of this area is inspected and fumigated. Any parchment moving through this area is also fumigated. The PNG government has been asked the necessary funding by the National Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Authority to put measures in place to combat the borer.

Beans from here

4 Products available from Papua New Guinea

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Origin Profile

Capital Port Moresby
Area 772,000 sq. km
Population 7.7 million
Language English
Currency Kina
Annual Production 1 Million 60kg Bags
Coffee Producing Area Not verified
Producing Regions Eastern Highlands, Western Highlands and Chimbu
Coffee Varietals Various
Terrain Mountainous
Altitude 1,300m – 2,000m
Soil Volcanic
Processing Washed


  • Fairtrade
  • Rainforest Alliance

Region Map

4 Products available from Papua New Guinea

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